Ive tried literally every compatibility mode, and STILL, no matter what I do, SAI continues to have this very crippling lag fast strokes (no matter what the brush size is) will not do smooth, quick circular motions. Lineart Timelapse Video (New one coming with my new tablet (Artisul D13) but here's the old for now): youtu. Okay so, Ive tried the whole 'compatibility' fix thing, and it STILL wont work correctly. Paint Tool SAI 2 Gradient Coloring: fav.me/dc0ko2u Paint Tool SAI 1 and 2 Brush Tool Settings Comparison Chart: fav.me/dbpay9g It'll look like a square, much like how the marquee tool looks PS: In case it wasn't obvious, you click a spot and drag your mouse cursor to whatever size you want the shape to be in, then release and it appears. I know they're a huge pain in the butt, but with the new Shape Tool, it makes drawing circles super easy now! You can even make them ovals just by making the width longer than the length and vice versa Notes: You can change the look of your circle or curve by adding a shape fill or effect, or changing the border. To draw a circle, hold Shift while dragging. Click where you want the oval to start, then drag to draw the shape. The Shiftkey forces the selection to remain circular as the size is altered. Click Shapes on the Insert tab, then Oval under Basic Shapes.
Here's a quick tutorial I made a while back on how to make perfect circles in SAI 2. Force an elliptical selection to remain round by holding down the Shiftkey while the selection is being dragged out. *EDIT* THIS IS NO LONGER NECESSARY UNLESS YOU'RE USED TO IT! SAI 2's Ellipse Ruler let's you make perfect circles and you can resize the ruler to fit your needs (Holding shift and dragging one of the box outline corners up or down changes the size) I'll be keeping this up in case people prefer this method over the ruler method! Additionally this tool also support the function of the control point tool with combination of Ctrl/Shift/Alt keys. This is only supported by linework layer. I wasn't aware until recently that the rulers existed, so this new method is much better than the old one c: If you still want the old way, you can view it here: sta.sh/01tegly8cw9r This tool modify the line color to current selected color by clicking strokes. *EDIT 2* Here is the updated tutorial on making perfect circles.